Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011

Today is the last day of 2010. Lets reflect upon the happenings in 2010. Both good and bad.

The year of 2010 : I became a completely different person. The first few months of the year was quite difficult - having hard time forgetting those old memories. 2010, a year of recovery to me. I met new person(s), new personalities.
Now, Im getting very-very lazy to update this blog-writing/editing new post(s).

SO EVERYBODY, HAPPYY NEW YEAHHHHRRRR! May God bless u, same goes to the upcoming 2011.


During this holy month of ramadan, i would like to wish eid to all muslims in this whole wide world :) i also want to apologize if i've made mistakes to all without my awareness. hopefully, we will get all the benefits and blessing from Allah. not forgetting, those who wish to return home or kampung, please drive carefully during this holiday.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin :)
-Hadi Adli-

pejam celik, pejam celik, dah puasa dah. hopefully this year akan membawa lebih kebaikan berbanding yang sebelum ini.

Selamat berpuasa to all Muslim in this whole wide world :)


Why at this time? all the money has been used for placebo, mono and etc. im experiencing severe financial problems now. what should i do? money from my parents? (no way!) i have to go mannn, this is an opportunity in a lifetime! no matter what happens, i will go.
*my birthday is in august, so ............. :D

a man without future.

Now i have been able to adapt to new circumstances, new/old friends, although still at the same place. however, this new situation provides me a new perspective that is very important for my future/life. it is painful to accept the reality, but all this will guarantee me a bright future. to get acquainted with new friends of different races has opened my mind, that this is not a racial barrier for us to expand our thinking and share opinions.

Everyone said that i had made a foolish decision, but i'll take it as a challenge for me.


We are, as always, stoked, stubborn and petrified. its been awhile, and left in the rain - just like the old days all over again. what we've been up to since the last time - glasses of the mighty teh ais, packs of cigarette and the precious moments. but it all gone now.

R.I.P. Pak Mi.

Beautiful Darkness

maybe it sounds weird, but i am so excited to read this sequel. the sequel is still in the draft process and maybe in stores october 12 2010. i did find out that Beautiful Creatures is meant to be part of a 5 book series. just wait and see.

'Some lovers are meant to be .......
others are cursed.'


what have i become?
my sweetest friend,
everyone i know,
goes away in the end,
and you could have it all,
my empire of dirt.....

i will let you down,
i will let u hurt.

N.I.N - Hurt

Personal Jesus

"how well i have learned that there is no fence to sit on between heaven and hell. there is a deep, wide gulf, a chasm, and in that chasm is no place for any man" -Cash

Happy Mother's Day :)

Dear Ma & Mama :)

God knows how much i do love u, and how grateful i am for everything that uve done to me. i just want to say, how much wonderful u are :)

I love u Ma & Mama :)

Deep Purple Asia Tour 2010 "LIVE" in Malaysia Tour

to the (my)post-lovers out there, please please i want this :D


the kids, theyre not all right - the scourge of lepak is back again! but hanging out in shopping mall is oh-so-90s. urban youth have taken to a place - where they can eat some processed meat they call hot dogs/burgers, drink teh ais, smoke a ........ wait. its a burger stall. but its not just any burger stall in town kids are flocking to. Amazing Burger in Kota Damansara, with its brightly lit interesting stall, free parking area and a big red sign with a dude (superman look alike) is where its at. on any given hour or any given night, there will be car parked, people buzzing around, getting this 'Amazing' burgers. whatever u do, just fill up your tank here.

for more information about Amazing Burger, heres the link

Good, bad ...... Im the guy with the powered suit!

i wanted to take up martial arts, engineering and create a powered suit because of Iron Man 1&2! i mean, much more than any superhero movie, everyone i think, after watching Iron Man wanted to create this powered suit so that they can go and whack bad people with highly-tech weapons (but not with the audi R8) haha.

i think this trilogy came a bit too late for me. because they were just waiting for the right time to make it because of the technology, but it seems to be more a showcase of what computer graphics can do-the story is quite secondary. some things dont come up, there are lot of contradictions. im still a fan, but maybe a bit sceptical now.

my top 10 albums!

15000++ plays!

for all the years in my life, these are my top 10 fav albums. after taking a look at my top album charts and i found this!

1. Depeche Mode - Playing the Angel

2. Depeche Mode - Best of Depeche Mode 1&2

3. Sonic Youth - The Destroyed Room : B Sides and Rarities

4. White Lies - To Lose My Life (Waaaa, too much post-punk mehhhh)

5. The Doors - The Essential Doors

6. Depeche Mode - Sound of Universe (why not in the top 3?)

7. Mogwai - Mr. Beast (post-rock is boringggggg)

8. The Verve - Urban Hymns

9. Elliott Smith - Figure 8 (too bad for the bottom 3)

10. Jeff Buckley - Grace (mannnnn, i love this album!)

a bit too rojak for me right? perhaps i will have one of adam lambert's album on the list :D

the world (revolves around a) cup

the world is a magical place. but it all takes for the world to come together is FOOTBALL. the World Cup has the power to unite all from different walks of life and delay even the most urgent deadlines/works. and who am i as a Malaysian to resist? im not 'so good' into football, but im definitely rank top as bola devotee.

we can see all the neighbourhood mamaks are installing giant screens or making more seating for us. then, when u go anywhere, even in your own house, there's the World Cup on your drink cans.

not that we need any reminders, but because when the World Cup's on, we forget everything ......... even awek! those not into football, especially the girlfriends, will have to pass through demam bola more feverish than the already present EPL.

counting days for the World Cup (about a month) i already got my jersey (ITALY)!